How to cancel Elite Singles subscription
Did you find love on Elite Singles? Or are you not satisfied with the dating site? Here’s how to stop a subscription and delete an Elite Singles account. It is very simple.
How to cancel elite singles membership
You are a premium member of Elite Singles and you ask how to cancel elite singles subscription.
- Login on Elite Singles with your account;
- Click on the profil button (1);
- Click on My account in the menu (2);
- You can see your type of membership. Click Cancel;
- Choose a reason why you want to cancel your paid membership, click Continue;
- enter your password and click Confirm.
How to delete Elite Singles account
Before delete Elite Singles account, you must, if you have a paid membership, cancel the subscription first. See above. Below the procedure to delete Elite Singles account.
- Login on Elite Singles with your account;
- Click on the profil button (1);
- Click on My account in the menu (2);
- Scroll to Delete my account section;
- Click on here link (3);
- Explain what you want to delete you Elite Singles account
- Click Continue.
How to contact Elite Singles
You need help to cancel or delete your Elite Singles account?
- Elite Singles fax number : +1 (646) 760-2453
- Elite Singles contact form : contact form
Comments about How to cancel Elite Singles subscription
From newest to oldest.
Very challenging unsubscribing . Online not for me
Take app off my app keep popping up even tho I cancelled my subscription …I think I was communicating with fake
Hello George, I didn’t quite understand your question. Do you want to cancel your subscription but have forgotten your login? If so, please follow the forgotten password procedure.
Morning, i want to cancel my subscription and forgot how to get into me subscription
i need my membership and my profile deleted and not renewed. very disappointed with the site and very hard to follow directions and use
Cancel and end subscription please.
Did Not renew .
Please cancel my account. No renewal
Pleqase delete my profile and close my accounbt and STOP sending me bloody emails. This is just virtual harrassment.
please cancel my membership both free and paid
Please I need to cancel my recently opened EliteSingles 3 month account made on Friday and please return my 3 month payment. I am not very computer smart and your site is very complicated. I am unsuccessful looking on your site. I’m tired of constantly “restarting over and over, insisting I am a woman not a man, etc. I never can see any suitable males.
Thank you for helping me,
Evelyn Delcid
Dallas, Texas
Please cancel my profile and subscription. Your program will not let me.
I would like to cancel my elite dating subscription.
I can’t cancel my subscription, my profile. I think I canceled my account abs auto renew. But. Not sure next step is canceling my credit card purchase that should do it.
Please can you cancel my subscription to Elite. I can’t put in my reasons which are that not happy with the matches supplied as it don’t let me. Did put in a mile radius but this hasn’t been applied.
It isn’t easy to unsubscribe please can you do this?
Please delete my subscription so that I may start again. My password won’t allow me into account and I’m not receiving any e mails.
I am having much difficulty cancelling my subscription to Elite Singles. So much so, that I will be contacting Visa to dispute the last charge to my credit card. I have tried many times to contact you to end my subscription before it was automatically renewed and nothing seemed to work. Apparently, my subscription was renewed automatically, despite my efforts to cancel it.
So if you cannot reverse the charges from your side, I hope Visa can help me out.
In case it is not obvious, I am no longer interested in being a member of Elite Singles.
Please can my subscription be terminated with immediate effect. I cannot do this through entering my account as it appears my account no longer recognises my password. However I would like to end my subscription as I am no longer looking for a partner. Many thanks.